Nathalie SIMON

Trained in Project Management, holder of a BPREA Organic Market Gardening.

I am creating in 2021, “RésiliSens” an agroecological, societal, regenerative project in the service of the Earth and People.

Project Manager, for 20 years internationally, and a bit of a globetrotter, I have traveled the world through my projects but also with my backpack to disconnect from life and reconnect with others and with nature. Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, on foot, hitchhiking, motorcycling, volunteering in nature reserves, medical and educational solidarity. USA where I lived in immensity of Arizona. All these enriching experiences, which led me to today.

I stopped my professional activity to begin a transition to my new life in January 2018 and train myself with the references of permaculture in France and Belgium:


an apprenticeship which enriched my theoretical and practical knowledge, beautiful encounters… which restored my faith in humanism.

Today I become Happy-farmer!